Worship… a meeting together with God in respect and submission to Him, accessed through His Son, Jesus Christ and enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit. Authentic worship affirms the truth of God, the authority of Scripture and the celebration of the Gospel. God accepts us as we are but He doesn’t leave us as we are; His desire is to change lives according to His righteousness and so worshipping Him changes us.
South Waterboro Bible Chapel exists to be a local evangelical church which maintains a witness for God in the community, desiring simply to be believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. And so our worship gatherings reflect this intent… Genuine singing (of both old and new worship music) which is founded on Biblical truth, a commitment to the reading, teaching and preaching of Scripture and sharing together through prayer, fellowship and giving.
We invite you to join us. Come as you are but leave challenged and changed by God. On a Sunday morning you can typically expect a simple but organized worship service lasting about an hour and a half. There is no right or wrong “look” (other than honoring the Bible’s standard of modesty toward one another). We promise not to embarrass you in any way and as our guest, you’ll fit right in. Hope to see you soon!